Let’s Talk About The Evolution of Twice’s Brand Image: Current Era

We are finally at the last part of this mini-series! Over my last two posts I have covered the evolution of Twice and how their brand image has changed since their debut. The first post talked about the youthful, cutesy image they had when they first started and the second was about the transition period that they had. And now, we are finally onto their current era!

Current Era: More & More to Set Me Free

Their current era is trademarked by sophistication, elegance and maturity which is extremely appropriate given that they are much older now and have been a famous name in the industry for seven years. The oldest (Nayeon) is 27 whereas the youngest in the group (Tzuyu) is 23.

The Music and Lyrics

Though you could see this new image of the girls come to fruition in Feel Special, I think it was fully showcased in More & More and their subsequent releases. Gone are the days of cute and innocent tracks with upbeat, dance-y music. In this era, twice experiments a lot with their music while still remaining true to their roots.

These songs are more mature talking about a range of things from fighting against conflicting uncontrollable desires (I Can’t Stop Me) to wanting to love someone freely (Set Me Free). Even when they are singing on the same topics as earlier, there is a note of maturity to it. Moreover, as they have progressed in their careers, their vocals have improved and that power comes through when they sing.

Screenshot from Twice’s Alcohol-Free Music Video

Twice have also released two English singles: The Feels and Moonlight Sunrise. The latter, released at the beginning of 2023, is what inspired this article. This song is evident to the growth they have had both as people and as artist. They are no longer shy teenagers afraid of approaching boys, they are confident women who have no problem asking for what they desire.

Here, I must also mention Cry For Me. Though it is not an official title track, it is one of my favourite Twice songs. Talking about a toxic love-hate relationship, all the members sound heavenly in this song. The strong choreography, vocals and the actual performance was a really pleasant surprise and it really made me appreciate the variety that Twice was displaying. Even though this song did not have an MV or promotions, it was performed at a few shows and really helped strengthen this new brand image of Twice.

The Music Video

Similar to what I said about the MVs during their transition eras, their MVs now show a level of diversity that it lacked earlier. Though there is not a lot in common between them all, the use of green screens and cool transitions is consistent. Most of their MVs now are self-contained and tailor made for the concepts of each comeback.

I must also mention the change in their choreography. Though their choreos were never easy, similar to their vocals, there is a certain strength and power to them now which only comes from being in the industry for so long. They also have an element of fun but with a lot more complicated moves now!

The Style

This is the era where Twice has fully showcased their boldness, confidence and maturity through their style. They wear a wide range of outfits from retro-inspired fits for Talk That Talk to more feminine dresses for Alcohol-Free, but they all exude sophistication and elegance.

Source: MEAWW
Twice’s outfits for a Talk To Talk performance stage
Source: Kprofiles
Twice outfits for one of their recent comebacks, Between 1&2

They also do not shy away from more mature looks, playing with garters, corsets and other pieces of lingerie in their outfits. Though they still play a lot with colour, especially with summer comebacks like More & More and Alcohol-Free, they also wear a lot of muted tones that would be unseen in earlier eras. Contrary to the feminine looks, they also sported suits and blazers for a few of their releases and looked as good as ever in them. And, like always, their hair, makeup, accessories and other styling really helped convey their image as grown women who are confident about what they are doing.

Source: Kpopping
Twice outfits for Scientist
Source: Twitter
Twice outfits for Alcohol-free

As an artist grows in their career, it is a given that their image, music and everything else will also evolve with them. And it is the same for Twice. I have seen mixed reactions on twitter about their evolution, especially with their recent comebacks, with some claiming that “they miss the old twice.” While I understand the place they are coming from I think we have to understand that nothing, least of all artists, can ever stay the same. Frankly, I would find it weird if Twice would continue singing about their crushes in their mid-twenties. Their current music, though different is not bad. Though I don’t listen to all of them on repeat, there are quiet a few that have made it to my playlists – which is true for most groups that I listen to.

I love talking about this (clearly) and if there are other groups you would like me to talk about or analyze, let me know in the comments below! If you would like to be updated on when I post, don’t forget to follow me here or on my social media accounts.

And before you go, what do you think about Twice’s evolution? Do you like, don’t like it, bear with it? I would love to hear from you!

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